Year: 2022

Reading Reflection

In my reading group we have learnt about talk moves,
we were debating about whether toys should be brought to school or not, 
We learned about clarifying questions and probing questions, we already knew 'add on'.
In conclusion I still think bringing toys to 
school is a great discussion.

Gender Roles

In my reading group we have been learning about gender roles,
I have chosen a poster to show to you.
Here it is,

Which character do you relate to? I relate to the kids, and also the mum,
because sometimes I help and sometimes I like to chill.

Have you ever been expected to do chores that others don’t have to? Not really because we share 
the chores around.

What does it mean where the children are positioned? They are positioned near the
mother so she can look after them.

What is the author trying to say? I think he is trying to be funny by saying that the dad is 
relaxing and saying this is the life, while the wife is cleaning up.

What would be your response to this question? I would just wish I could live a better life.

What gender roles have you seen around you?

Book Character Day

Today is book character day and I've come to school as shaggy from scooby doo.
I chose this costume because  I was looking for a book character duo,
because my friend wanted to come with me as well, so he came as scooby.
Here is a picture of me,

I found dressing up really fun and seeing other peoples cool costumes.
What is your favourite book?

Problem Solving

My maths group have been working on BEDMAS, 
BEDMAS stands for brackets, exponents, division and multiplication, 
and addition and subtraction. You have to work it out in order of the words above.
Here are some of the equations.

I really liked learning new ways to solve problems.
Why don't you try and learn bedmas?

Agency Activity

My class has been working on how to be healthy.
We have made exercise programs, read articles of how games can be healthy
and talk about healthy eating.
I made a plate on healthy foods.
Here it is,

I really enjoyed learning about healthy foods, and looking at the amount of 
stuff in something.
What would your choice of vegetable be?


This week I have been learning about stewardship.
I have been working on a task about it.
It was about the Lorax.

Here it is,

It was a long task because I had to read lots of articles, 
but I did enjoy learning about the environment.
What are you doing to help look after the earth?


Today my class made potions, 
we wrote the ingredients and instructions on how we did it.
First we got put into random groups by the random name picker hat, 
which is basically a hat that sorts us into random groups.
Then we writ down what we were going to need and how much to put in, 
my group decided to make ours edible.
Then we got to making, 
Step 1. Put ripped up chicken brains (marshmallow things) into a cup,
Step 2. Put crushed rotten fish (chocolate fish) into the same cup
Step 3. Pour 60 ml of mermaid vomit (apple juice)
Step 4.Powdered rabbit poo (rice bubbles)
Step 5. Enjoy 

I hope you enjoyed learning about this edible potion (not saying it's useful)
Bye bye ;)

Rising Tide Review

W.A.L.T Make comparisons in our novel study.
In Room 2 we completed the novel study called,
"Rising Tide". I liked this story because it was about a boy the same age as me.
We made comparisons of different characters,
I chose Ari Koro and Ricky,
Mine is below,

I hope you liked it.

Persuasive Writing – Lollies At School

W.A.L.T write a persuasive writing.

In room 2, we have been learning about persuasive writing,
our task was to create a piece of writing and argue about it's topic,
this was quite fun and also challenging, because we had to research a lot.
Mine is below,

Have you ever got jealous of your younger siblings eating candy at pre-school, 
and your parents stealing your skittles while your working.

I think we should be allowed at least 1 chocolate bar to snack on during breaks, 
well 1st off, we have a lot of INTENSE working and we’re not even allowed to have a jelly bean. 
(well maybe 1) And secondly, if you know your candy you’d know that lollies actually 
decreases your chance of having a stroke or heart attack, yeah, you heard that right. 
And lastly (Teachers this one’s for u) Research shows that sugar is a boost for your 
brain and a little bit can help you focus. Next time i have a maths test I’ll be 
scoffing a snickers bar Left and Right.

Firstly, everyone knows we go to school to learn, but do we get enough breaks?
If you’re a student you’ll know what I mean, but if you’re a teacher, well not so much.
Say if I have just finished an essay before lunch break and need to do another one after,
you could do with a little sweet treat, am I right? 
The Teachers are the people who actually banned candy, 
but if you have x-ray vision you’ll know they always have a candy mix in their left pocket.

Secondly if you're a candy lover you’ll know this one, but if you're not then you wouldn't 
see this one coming by a long-shot. Have you ever wondered what the benefits of eating 
candy actually are?
Well research suggests that chocolate actually decreases the percentage of having a 
stroke or heart attack, that's right. This is caused because most dark chocolate is high 
in flavonoids, particularly a sub type called flavanols that is associated with a lower 
risk of heart disease. Some studies suggest chocolate or cocoa consumption is associated 
with a lower risk of insulin resistance and high blood pressure.

Lastly, Research shows that a little candy can actually boost your mental focus, 
this is caused because your brain can easily process sugar,
and if we take a deeper look into it  we can see that when we digest sugar.
Enzymes in the small intestine break it down into glucose,
glucose molecules are small enough to pass directly through cell membranes and serve as fuel.

Some people love candy, and want it every day, but others may have a different point 
of view to having candy at school.Some people might say that having too much sugar is bad for you, 
and that is true, but there are actually benefits in having sugar to, and you can always only 
have one piece of candy a day.

Do you know how much candy is made every year? I can only imagine how much of that goes to waste.
What chocolate bar was described as “packed with peanuts?” that’s what I call healthy!

In conclusion we learnt that candy is actually good for you,
But not too much or ELSE! I have a few reasons for that,
Firstly,they can help us get back on track,
Secondly,it has chemicals that are good for your body, 
And lastly, it can boost your focus.
I hope you learnt something from this,
And until next time,


Rising Tide Chapter 4

We have been reading about a book called rising tide,
it is about a boy called Ari, 
1 activity was to think about someone you can say what you're worried about to.
Here is what I did


Clearly I would tell my mum.

Who would you tell