Winter Sports

Today all the schools in my area where I live had Winter Sports, 
it's basically when you get to play a sport of your choice against other schools.
I play capture the flag, we play 2,15 minute games. My team won our 1st game 4-1 and our
2nd 6-1, I scored 1 point. It was really fun and really tiring, we showed good 
sportsmanship and played as a team. What is your favourite sport?

Mary’s Assumption

This Monday is The Assumption of mary, it is when mary got taken to heaven body and soul, by God,
to be with her son, Jesus Christ. I made a poster about the assumption,
Here it is,

Have you ever been to church?

Prayer Routine

Me and my friends have been making a prayer routine,
which is basically just a routine for prayers.
Here it is,

I found this challenging but also easy.
Did you like the presentation?

The Rise Of STEVEN!!!

W.A.L.T Create and edit a film for an audience.

In Room 2 we had a morning movie challenge,
we had to think of a movie, learn the roles and then act it out!

I worked with Joseph, Tristan, Monty, Violet and Rose
We made a movie about Karen's husband the legendary only 
found in neighbourhoods across the globe, give it up for
STEVEN! My favourite part was when the FBI came in.
A challenge was actually thinking of the idea.
To share our movies we had a premier with popcorn.

Did u enjoy it? ;)

Punctuation Pyramid

W.A.L.T Use new types of punctuation in our writing. 

We have been learning about punctuation and what level we are at on the
punctuation. The punctuation pyramid is basically a pyramid that has different
levels of punctuation on it, I did some writing and compared it with the 
punctuation pyramid.
Here it is,
I think I was level 5.

3 Fun Facts About New Zealand

I live in New Zealand, in New Zealand our national culture is Maori,
if you do not already no1 there are a lot of cool facts about New Zealand,
Here are my top 3
1. Keas are very playful and intelligent
   they are one of the smartest birds in the world
2.A Weka is a cheeky bird like a crow it goes around looking for shiny objects,
3.A haka is a traditional war dance meant to frighten opponents,
  they still use the haka in international sports games.

This was a cool challenge because I got to find out cool facts about New Zealand.
Do you know any facts about your home country?


I have been learning how to write information reports,   
I have done one about space, 
Here It is,

 Mars is the fourth planet from the sun and the
 next beyond earth,it is known as the red planet,
 that is because of all the rusted iron
 on mars’ surface. Mars got its name from the
 roman god of war,they named it after the god of
 war because mars is red like blood.


Mars has a stunning history, it could have 
supported life many years ago.
People say Mars once had water that flowed lushly across the planet,
the existing nutrients and the amazing atmosphere that protected mars years ago,
which makes it almost certain that there was once, life on mars.
But then 4 BILLION years ago the martian core got colder and colder, 
shutting down the dynamo that sustained its magnetic field,
the solar wind was cutting little bits of the atmosphere causing the water 
on mars to leak out into space.


Mars is mainly made of 3 main materials Iron, nickel and Sulfur,
surrounding mars’ core is a rocky mantle that is between 770 to 1270 miles wide, 
and sitting on top of that a crust made of iron magnesium, aluminum, calcium, 
and potassium. ( I don't know what those are ) Mars’ atmosphere is made of 95% 
carbon dioxide and less than 1% oxygen. 

Mars' Moons

Mars' moons are some of the smallest in the solar system.
Phobos is a bit larger than Deimos, and orbits only 3,700 miles 
(6,000 kilometers) above the Martian surface. No known moon orbits closer to 
its planet. It orbits around Mars three times a day, while the more distant 
Deimos takes 30 hours for each orbit.

Mars is one of many planets that could have supported life and might still do,
scientists believe lots of Mars’ water has disappeared since the planet formed. 
Even though Mars’ may not support life, many other planets might have the same 
chance Mars had many years ago.

What is your favourite planet?

War Poster

W.A.L.T Be Critical Thinkers

Today I learnt a little bit about WW1, and how the U.S Navy made posters
to persuade the reader into joining their army.
This was mainly targeted for young men who had just finished Uni.
Here it is

I found this activity quite easy because of all the posters i've seen before.
Have you ever wondered if there will ever be another World war?

Jesus’ Miracles

This week my class and I have been learning about Jesus' miracles,
we had to make a book about one of them, I made mine about Jesus turns water
into wine.
Here it is,

 I hope you liked it.